Her interactive midnight in salem 2017
Her interactive midnight in salem 2017

her interactive midnight in salem 2017

Salem in Massachusetts, main location for the duration of the game.Other characters included in small segment: Carson Drew (Ken Boynton), Elisabeth Hirst (Melissa Mabie), Ned Nickerson (Scott Carty).Joe Hardy (Robert Jones) Featured in jean jacket and voluminous blond hair, Joe and his brother assist Nancy in collection of clues in Salem.He offers to assist in Nancy's investigation of arson. Frank Hardy (Jonah Von Spreecken) Featured in green puffer vest, this dark haired sleuth just happened to be mid investigation with his brother in Salem.Judge Danforth (Daniel Riordan) Well established in the community, but seemingly scatterbrained, Danforth can be found in the righthand office of the Courthouse, and is responsible for making the decision of Mei's arson conviction.

her interactive midnight in salem 2017

She can be found in the office to the left of the entryway, and is in charge of the ownership passing of Hathorne estate to appropriate party. Alicia Cole (Krizia Bajos) Highly qualified attorney working for Judge Danforth at the Town Square courthouse.Can be found in khaki slacks near a sports car at the courthouse. Jason Danforth (Danny Gendron) Unruly son of Judge Danforth, Jason is known for his wealth and handsome presentation, and uses his privilege to his advantage.In comfortable jeans and sweatshirt, you can find her working at the apothecary in Town Square during normal business hours. Lauren Holt (Raval Davis) Last living descedant of Frances Tuttle, living beside the burned property of the Hathorne estate.She is found both in shop, and advertising on the stage in the center of the Square. She runs the witch tour and novelty magic gift shop off the lobby of the museum, in Town Square. Olivia Ravencroft (Kiki Penoyer) Similar in age to Teegan.She runs the historical museum in the town square, usually found there working on an exhibit opening soon. Teegan Parry ( Elizabeth Maxwell) Older sister of Mei.She is suspected of arson, and is choosing not to be a large help in proving her own innocence. Mei Parry (Reba Buhr) Cousin of Dierdre, and younger sister of Teegan, Mei is a secretive teenager, featured in a grey hoodie, red branch print leggings, and a large scar covering half of her face.She is the cousin of the suspected Mei Parry, and does everything she can to assist in the investigation, including calling her "fr-enemy", Nancy Drew. Deirdre Shannon (Meaghan Halverson) High maintenance and short in personality, wearing her classic green blazer, blue blouse, and short dark bob haircut.This installment features Nancy as the only playable character, as the story is told via her perspective. The game briefly features her boyfriend, Ned Nickerson, and father, Carson Drew, via phone call. Nancy Drew (Brittany Cox)18-year-old sleuth assisting in the investigation of arson in the town of Salem.This installment was largely inspired by the 33rd book in the Mystery Stories series, entitled "The Witch Tree Symbol". Nancy uses her talent of wit and deduction to find the truth amongst folklore of witchcraft, supposedly paranormal experiences, and well-kept family secrets.


Dierdre, her cousin, quickly seeks out the help of sleuth friend, Nancy Drew, to aid in the discovery of proof to free Mei from all charges. With property ownership under debate, citizens of the town put pressure to convict and arrest Mei for the crime. The estate Mei is suspected to have damaged, was originally built by Judge John Hathorne, and belonged to Frances Tuttle until her passing. Mei Parry, haunted by her past and unable to escape the controlling nature of her family, falls under suspicion of arson in the town of Salem.

Her interactive midnight in salem 2017